Meet the Team

Leah Peel GriffithsDrama & Singing Teacher

Leah Peel Griffiths

Leah has been creating and performing in live theatre for just short of a decade, and teaching at Kids Up Front is something she always looks forward to!

She moved to Sydney early 2022 and has since gone on to perform in various musicals across the city's vibrant community theatre scene, with companies like Sydney Youth Musical Theatre, Noteable Theatre Company and North Shore Theatre Company.

Leah is also an emerging playwright and director, having staged A Midsummer Night's Dream and her dramatirgical debut of "Unwritten" in 2022.

Leah studied Communications in Theatre/Media at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst (2019-2021) and Full Time Musical Theatre at Brent Street (2022), and is hoping to further her training in Musical Theatre in the coming years.

Leah believes that theatre is a valuable tool for creating a safe and supportive space for young performers of all ages to feel free to be whoever they choose and discover more about themselves and the world around them through discovery and play. She has a deep passion for the exciting creative environment theatre provides for young budding theatre makers of the future and hopes that each one of her students comes away from their classes inspired to go after whatever dream brings them the most joy.